Witness - Directed by Peter Weir - Plot Summary 2

Gap-fill exercise

Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers.
   8-year-old      ambushed      Book      Carter      Chief Paul Schaeffer      corn      disappeared      Eli      Elton Carter      farewell      Fergie      Ferguson      friction      harassed      heals      Hochleitner      hospitalization      James McFee      killers      Lancaster County      Lapp      leave      locals      McFee      newspaper clipping      nonviolence      nothing      Philadelphia      police      Rachel      records      retaliates      Samuel      Schaeffer      secret      shunned      sister      sister's      suffocates      the warning bell      widow      witnesses   
Rachel (McGillis), a young Amish , and her son (Haas) are traveling by train to visit Rachel's . At the 30th Street Station in , Samuel witnesses a murder. Detective John (Ford) is assigned to the case and he and his partner, Sergeant (Jennings), question Samuel. He is unable to identify the perpetrator from mug shots or a police lineup, but notices a with a picture of narcotics officer (Glover) and recognizes him as one of the . Book remembers that was previously responsible for a drug raid where evidence had mysteriously .

Book confides his suspicions to his superior officer, (Sommer), who advises Book to keep the case so they can work out how to move forward. When Book returns home, he is by and badly wounded before McFee escapes. Since only Schaeffer had been told, Book realizes is also corrupt and must have warned McFee.

Book calls and orders him to remove the Lapp file from the . He then hides his car and uses his to return Rachel and Samuel to . After the Lapps' safe arrival at home, Book passes out in his vehicle in front of their farm.

Impressing upon them that will allow the to find him, Book is gradually returned to health by the Lapps. As Book , he begins to develop feelings for . The Lapps' neighbor, Daniel (Godunov) had hoped to court her and this becomes a cause of . Later Rachel and John are caught dancing, and Rachel’s father-in-law, (Rubes), takes her aside and warns that if she continues she could be by the community. Rachel feels she has done wrong.

Schaeffer, McFee, and a third corrupt officer, "Fergie" (MacInnes), intensify their efforts to find Book. In town, Hochleitner and the other Amish men are by . Breaking with the Amish tradition of , Book . The fight is reported to the police, and the news reaches .

John subsequently comes upon Rachel as she bathes, and she stands half-naked before him, but he walks away. The two realize they are in love, but because of the publicity the fight has received, Book knows he must . Upset, Rachel removes her bonnet, and she and John embrace.

The corrupt officers arrive at the Lapp farm and search for . Book orders to run to the neighbours for safety. Book tricks into the corn silo and him under tons of . He retrieves Fergie's shotgun and kills . Schaeffer then forces Rachel and out of the house at gunpoint; Eli signs to Samuel (who had returned unseen) to ring . Although Schaeffer forces Book to surrender, the loud clanging summons other Amish. With so many , Schaeffer realizes he cannot escape, and gives up. He is taken by local police.

As Book prepares to leave, he says goodbye to Samuel, Rachel, and Eli in turn. Driving away, he passes , and exchanges a wave of .